The results of psychological studies of religion can be utilized in various fields of life. Among them: 
1. Within individuals (students) after studying the psychology of religion. Become better in religious life. In a sense, increasing the feelings and religious consciousness.  
2. In the field of education, educators become more successful in educating students of religious participants. Because the students know the participants of religious life. Become more prudent in dealing with students attitudes and behaviors of participants in the moral and mental development of students' religious 

3. For counseling and psychotherapy or doctors can better deliver therapeutics (treatment of his soul) and understand the state of his client. Ie in providing care seeks to actualize the values ​​of religion in the lives of her clients so that positively affects perceptions of themselves, their environment, and the problems it faces
4. In the field of industrial and organization of the lectures are conducted periodically religion. The factory workers will affect the morals of the workers or employees so that the reduction in theft or corruption, manipulation, or sale of illegal goods company  
5. In a country with a government or psychological approach to religion can evoke feelings and religious awareness, people are also the leaders. So it can evoke love and obedience to the leader of the homeland  
6. For an interpreter or missionaries proselytizing in order to know the type and mental qualities that exist in private and religious communities. So it can look for propagation material, methods and infrastructure facilities or equipment or a place to target a matching da'wah
7. For politicians, statesmen can create an atmosphere of religious to the public about the value of religion to realize political and harmony with the needs of the community

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