Download Aplikasi BBM Blackberry Messenger APK for Andoid Terbaru. Setelah tarik ulurnya Aplikasi BBM untuk android karena masih ada beberapa perbaikan yang dilakukan, kali ini aplikasi tersebut sudah dapat sobat download lagi di Play Store langsung dari gadget Android 4.0 atau Ice Cream Sandwich ke atas. Dan baru diluncurkan kembali pada tanggal 24 Oktober yang lalu aplikasi kepunyaan Blackberry ini sudah menduduki top chart di Play Store. Aplikasi ini memang masih menjadi primadona untuk berchat ria, dan sepertinya pengguna setia Blcakberry banyak yang beralih ke Android yang lebih kaya fitur dan sudah bisa menggunakan BBM hehee. Baiklah langsung saja bagi yang ingin langsung mendownload BBM for Android ini saya sediakan linknya dibawah (Klik Gambar Download Here !!!.
Screenshot :
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Dan berikut deskripsi dari BBM Android ini :
The OFFICIAL version of BBM™ from BlackBerry is now here for Android. Get the free BBM app for the best way to stay connected with friends and family. Download it now.
Chat with friends on Android, BlackBerry and iPhone:
• BBM is always on and always connected – no app to open
• Know when messages have been delivered (D’s) and read (R’s)
• Share photos, files, documents, voice notes and more
• See when contacts are responding to your message
• Emoticons for every mood and emotion let you express yourself

BBM lets you protect your privacy. You control it:
• You chose how to share your information - BBM uses PINs instead of phone numbers or email addresses so that it's more private, and you always control who can contact you
• You chose your contacts – 2-way opt-in means you have control over who is able to message you

Chat and Share with many at once:
• Groups – BBM groups help you share pictures, lists, and appointments with group members. You can even be in a group with people who aren't part of your own BBM contact list.
• Multi-person chats – Invite multiple contacts to have a chat together.
• Broadcast messages – Send a message to multiple BBM contacts at one time.

Create your own BBM profile:
• Post a profile picture using images, pictures or even animated pictures (GIFs).
• Update your status to let people know what you’re up to or how you feel

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